VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 4118676959 Un petit VOTE toutes les deux heures, les amours VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 4118676959
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 VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc)

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VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) Empty
MessageSujet: VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc)   VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) EmptyVen 16 Mai - 20:43

Daryl Lawrence Vorobiev


surnoms + lawrence. né(e) le + 6 janvier 1994 à + Londres. origines + russe de son père, anglais de sa mère. études/métier + droit et économie, en relations internationales qualités + sportif, sociable, clown, charmant, passionné, cultivé défauts+ narcissique, parfois snob, fêtard, bagarreur, rêveur, je-m'en-foutisme sexualité + hétérosexuel statut civil + célibataire particularité + parfois, il se coince une cigarette derrière l'oreille pour un peu plus de ''look''. sinon, il a porté un appareil dentaire pendant 4 ans, ce qui lui vaut ce merveilleux sourire. anecdotes + n'a plus aucun contact avec son père sauf l'argent qu'il lui donne ▽ adore faire la fête ▽ se promène la plupart du temps nu dans son appart' ▽ sa relation la plus longue n'a duré que deux mois ▽ accumule les filles dans son lit ▽ cette île est une sorte de délivrance pour lui ▽ étudie en relations internationales, car il aime se trouver au centre de tout et régler des conflits ▽ fume la cigarette et de la drogue occasionnellement ▽  groupe + zeus avatar + ansel elgort

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who ons my heart, is it love or is it art.

PSEUDO ⊱ Nulla nec lobortis lacus. Nunc hendrerit lacinia massa a vulputate. Aliquam tempus, velit sit amet sodales ultrices, purus erat pellentesque lorem, vel dictum mi ipsum eu elit. Etiam sit amet lacus mauris, semper interdum lorem. Fusce sed arcu dui. Nulla eros enim, mattis quis luctus ut, interdum et risus. Nullam commodo diam quis lorem cursus convallis. Nulla diam risus, feugiat id convallis venenatis, gravida in nunc. Quisque blandit quam nec arcu condimentum hendrerit. Sed facilisis orci vel augue egestas tristique. Mauris sed elit vitae turpis molestie semper. Nulla fringilla risus a dolor auctor pellentesque. Praesent rhoncus lectus nec nisl sagittis congue. Vivamus quis est diam.Nulla fringilla risus a dolor auctor pellentesque. Praesent rhoncus lectus nec nisl sagittis congue. Vivamus quis est diam. Nulla nec lobortis lacus. Nunc hendrerit lacinia massa a vulputate. Aliquam tempus, velit sit amet sodales ultrices, purus erat pellentesque lorem, vel dictum mi ipsum eu elit. Etiam sit amet lacus mauris, semper interdum lorem. Fusce sed arcu dui. Nulla eros enim, mattis quis luctus ut, interdum et risus. Nullam commodo diam quis lorem cursus convallis. Nulla diam risus, feugiat id convallis venenatis, gravida in nunc. Quisque blandit quam nec arcu condimentum hendrerit. Sed facilisis orci vel augue egestas tristique. Mauris sed elit vitae turpis molestie semper. Nulla fringilla risus a dolor auctor pellentesque. Praesent rhoncus lectus nec nisl sagittis congue. Vivamus quis est diam.Nulla fringilla risus a dolor auctor pellentesque. Praesent rhoncus lectus nec nisl sagittis congue. Vivamus quis est diam. Nulla nec lobortis lacus. Nunc hendrerit lacinia massa a vulputate. Aliquam tempus, velit sit amet sodales ultrices, purus erat pellentesque lorem, vel dictum mi ipsum eu elit. Etiam sit amet lacus mauris, semper interdum lorem. Fusce sed arcu dui. Nulla eros enim, mattis quis luctus ut, interdum et risus. Nullam commodo diam quis lorem cursus convallis. Nulla diam risus, feugiat id convallis venenatis, gravida in nunc. Quisque blandit quam nec arcu condimentum hendrerit. Sed facilisis orci vel augue egestas tristique. Mauris sed elit vitae turpis molestie semper. Nulla fringilla risus a dolor auctor pellentesque. Praesent rhoncus lectus nec nisl sagittis congue. Vivamus quis est diam.Nulla fringilla risus a dolor auctor pellentesque. Praesent rhoncus lectus nec nisl sagittis congue. Vivamus quis est diam. Nulla nec lobortis lacus. Nunc hendrerit lacinia massa a vulputate. Aliquam tempus, velit sit amet sodales ultrices, purus erat pellentesque lorem, vel dictum mi ipsum eu elit. Etiam sit amet lacus mauris, semper interdum lorem. Fusce sed arcu dui. Nulla eros enim, mattis quis luctus ut, interdum et risus. Nullam commodo diam quis lorem cursus convallis. Nulla diam risus, feugiat id convallis venenatis, gravida in nunc. Quisque blandit quam nec arcu condimentum hendrerit. Sed facilisis orci vel augue egestas tristique. Mauris sed elit vitae turpis molestie semper. Nulla fringilla risus a dolor auctor pellentesque. Praesent rhoncus lectus nec nisl sagittis congue. Vivamus quis est diam.Nulla fringilla risus a dolor auctor pellentesque. Praesent rhoncus lectus nec nisl sagittis congue. Vivamus quis est diam. Nulla nec lobortis lacus. Nunc hendrerit lacinia massa a vulputate. Aliquam tempus, velit sit amet sodales ultrices, purus erat pellentesque lorem, vel dictum mi ipsum eu elit. Etiam sit amet lacus mauris, semper interdum lorem. Fusce sed arcu dui. Nulla eros enim, mattis quis luctus ut, interdum et risus. Nullam commodo diam quis lorem cursus convallis. Nulla diam risus, feugiat id convallis venenatis, gravida in nunc. Quisque blandit quam nec arcu condimentum hendrerit. Sed facilisis orci vel augue egestas tristique. Mauris sed elit vitae turpis molestie semper. Nulla fringilla risus a dolor auctor pellentesque. Praesent rhoncus lectus nec nisl sagittis congue. Vivamus quis est diam.Nulla fringilla risus a dolor auctor pellentesque. Praesent rhoncus lectus nec nisl sagittis congue. Vivamus quis est diam.


Dernière édition par D. Lawrence Vorobiev le Sam 17 Mai - 16:23, édité 6 fois
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VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc)   VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) EmptyVen 16 Mai - 20:43

+1  VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 4118676959 
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Joséphine A. Hunt
Groupe Hadès
Joséphine A. Hunt

× MESSAGES : 213
× INSCRIPTION LE : 26/04/2014

VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc)   VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) EmptyVen 16 Mai - 20:51

Bienvenue ici  VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 4118676959 VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 4118676959 VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 4118676959 
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N. Coleen O. Carrington
Groupe Hadès
N. Coleen O. Carrington

× MESSAGES : 2149
× INSCRIPTION LE : 21/04/2013

VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc)   VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) EmptyVen 16 Mai - 22:58

BIENVENUUUUUUUUUUUUE parmi nous. VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 4153354820 VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 577704309 & bonne chance pour la suite de ta fiche. VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 3787710948 

En tout cas, bon choix de célébrité. VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 1209657698 VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 4209083858 
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Sawyer N. Bringstone
Sawyer N. Bringstone

× MESSAGES : 1692
× INSCRIPTION LE : 07/03/2013

VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc)   VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) EmptySam 17 Mai - 11:40

Bienvenue parmi nous I love you Je ne connaissais pas ce jeune homme, mais il est très beau VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 4205929361 si tu as besoin le staff est à ton entière disposition VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 4127347811 bonne chance pour ta fiche ! VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 4118676959
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VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc)   VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) EmptySam 17 Mai - 14:07

    Merci beaucoup à vous trois  VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 1760608082 
    En effet, il s'agit de celui qui a joué dans le remake de Carrie (qui est d'ailleurs extra  VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 1209657698 ) et il va apparaître aussi dans le film The Fault In Our Stars, le best seller de John Green (que je m'impatiente de plus en plus à écouter  VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 2850139730 )
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Isis-Caitlin Wheeler
Groupe Apollon
Isis-Caitlin Wheeler

× MESSAGES : 1118
× INSCRIPTION LE : 13/04/2013

VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc)   VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) EmptySam 17 Mai - 15:09

Et il joue le frère de Tris dans Divergente VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 2850139730 J'aime beaucoup cet acteur, très bon choix de célébrité donc VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 4205929361 VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 3335912572
Bienvenue, et bonne chance pour ta fiche VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 1209657698 VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 2850139730 VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 4118676959
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VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc)   VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) EmptySam 17 Mai - 15:59

    Ouiii j'avais oublié  VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 4209083858 merci beaucoup à toi  VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 1782046305 
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Aden G. Chaikovski
Groupe Olympiens
Aden G. Chaikovski

× MESSAGES : 1100
× INSCRIPTION LE : 27/03/2013

VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc)   VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) EmptySam 17 Mai - 16:25

bienvenuuuuue parmi nous. VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 577704309 tu me réserveras un lien avec ma Lexie, je joue Shailene. VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 2238782717 bonne continuation pour ta fiche. I love you
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VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc)   VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) EmptySam 17 Mai - 16:37

    HAAAAAAN shailene oh my god tu peux t'assurer que je te garde THE lien au chaud  VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 1760608082 merci beaucoup sinon.  VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 3335912572 
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Anaëe C. Levinson
Groupe Poséidon
Anaëe C. Levinson

× MESSAGES : 340
× INSCRIPTION LE : 07/03/2013

VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc)   VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) EmptySam 17 Mai - 20:22

bienvenue parmis nous  I love you 
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VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc)   VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) EmptySam 17 Mai - 22:26

    merci.  VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 4118676959 
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Jaliyah-Sky H. Sanchez
Jaliyah-Sky H. Sanchez

× MESSAGES : 1718
× INSCRIPTION LE : 10/03/2013

VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc)   VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) EmptySam 24 Mai - 19:53

vite, tu vas louper le gong !

SOS. VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 1209657698 Voilà cinq jours que ta fiche est commencée, et toujours pas terminée ! Elle est donc considérée comme en danger. VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 2503155795 Il ne te reste que deux jours pour la terminer. VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 4002219300
Après ça, ton compte sera supprimé, et on ne veut pas te perdre nous. VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 2655221127
Si tu as besoin d'un délai supplémentaire, n'hésite pas à le demander à la suite même de ta fiche, on peut bien comprendre que tu aies des empêchements ou autre ! VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 1390410237
Mais sinon... allez, vite, vite vite. VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 2540806143 VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) 3335912572

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VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc)   VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc) Empty

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VOROBIEV, lawrence- took me 20 years to realize things fall. it's gravity and it's okay. (uc)

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