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 Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts

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Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts   Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 EmptyMar 29 Oct - 17:53

J'EXIGE mon super lien de la mort qui tue Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 3922200599 Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 2409848624 Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 3922200599 Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 2409848624 
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Isaac Z-D. Nielsen
Isaac Z-D. Nielsen

× MESSAGES : 1541
× INSCRIPTION LE : 03/05/2013

Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts   Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 EmptyMar 29 Oct - 18:04

CHOU-CHOUPINOUUUU Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 577704309:keur:je pense qu'on est un peu obligées quoi, Roden/O'brien:
Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 Dylan-o-brien-holland-roden-comic-con-2013-teen-wolf-35245038-245-170
du coup je dis positif obligééé Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 3335912572
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K. Riley Wagner-Brooks
K. Riley Wagner-Brooks

× MESSAGES : 240
× INSCRIPTION LE : 28/08/2013

Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts   Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 EmptyMar 29 Oct - 18:21

On va vite se calmer hein Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 3114261391
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Isaac Z-D. Nielsen
Isaac Z-D. Nielsen

× MESSAGES : 1541
× INSCRIPTION LE : 03/05/2013

Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts   Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 EmptyMar 29 Oct - 18:28

Oh mon amour j'savais pas que t'étais là Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 1584605061 tout va bien ? Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 1748208979 
je rigole je rigoooole, comme dirait Jared YOU'RE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 1209657698 Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 4127347811 Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 2634520320 Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 577704309 Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 3335912572 
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Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts   Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 EmptyMar 29 Oct - 18:49

OBLIGÉE Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 4153354820 Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 4153354820 Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 1748208979

Tu as une idée ou pas ?
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Isaac Z-D. Nielsen
Isaac Z-D. Nielsen

× MESSAGES : 1541
× INSCRIPTION LE : 03/05/2013

Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts   Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 EmptyMar 29 Oct - 19:02

je pencherais vers un truc meilleurs amis vu tout ce qu'on peut trouver sur ces deux là Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 577704309 mais sinon je sais pas trop vers où partir pour étoffer... tu peux me parler de Noam ? Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 3335912572
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Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts   Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 EmptyMar 29 Oct - 19:27

Meilleur ami serait une excellente idée. Alors hum Noam est une fille assez instable est lunatique, elle c'est droguée pendant longtemps et aujourd'hui sa lui arrive encore de temps en temps, elle aime analyser les gens, ce qu'ils disent, leur attitude. C'est une fille très courageuse, elle n'est pas retombée amoureuse depuis la perte de son mari, elle est assez compliqué. Elle peut être adorable comme être une vraie garce, elle est complètement décalée, adore rigoler, s'amuser, il lui arrive toujours des trucs improbable, elle n'a jamais eu beaucoup d'ami car tout le monde l'a toujours trouvé bizarre mais ceux qu'elle a elle les chérit.
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Isaac Z-D. Nielsen
Isaac Z-D. Nielsen

× MESSAGES : 1541
× INSCRIPTION LE : 03/05/2013

Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts   Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 EmptyMar 29 Oct - 19:30

elle est un peu comme Zacouille, ils peuvent vraiment s'entendre comme des fifous dingos Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 577704309
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Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts   Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 EmptyMar 29 Oct - 19:33

Oh yeeeeees sa va être trop coooool Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 2850139730
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Isaac Z-D. Nielsen
Isaac Z-D. Nielsen

× MESSAGES : 1541
× INSCRIPTION LE : 03/05/2013

Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts   Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 EmptyMar 29 Oct - 21:44

Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 577704309 je te proposerais bien un sujet mais c'est pas possible now xD
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Isis-Caitlin Wheeler
Groupe Apollon
Isis-Caitlin Wheeler

× MESSAGES : 1118
× INSCRIPTION LE : 13/04/2013

Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts   Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 EmptyMar 29 Oct - 21:55

Naméoooooo ! J'suis la première deuxième à être venue demander à lien et je vais être la dernière à en avoir un Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 2019773696
Tu me pardonnes, tu veux toujours de moi ? Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 1390410237 Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 577704309
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Isaac Z-D. Nielsen
Isaac Z-D. Nielsen

× MESSAGES : 1541
× INSCRIPTION LE : 03/05/2013

Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts   Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 EmptyMer 30 Oct - 6:49

mais oui je te pardonne ma chouuuuuuuuuw Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 3335912572 I want I want I want Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 577704309
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Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts   Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 EmptyMer 30 Oct - 10:10

Tu m'envoie un MP dès que t'est dispo Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 577704309
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Isis-Caitlin Wheeler
Groupe Apollon
Isis-Caitlin Wheeler

× MESSAGES : 1118
× INSCRIPTION LE : 13/04/2013

Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts   Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 EmptyMer 30 Oct - 13:08

Ohh goooood Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 3335912572
Et il te reste quoi sinon ? Peut-être histoire d'avoir une petite base Very Happy
Je suis venue en touriste professionnelle Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 1826141983
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Isaac Z-D. Nielsen
Isaac Z-D. Nielsen

× MESSAGES : 1541
× INSCRIPTION LE : 03/05/2013

Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts   Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 EmptyMer 30 Oct - 16:36

Noam > oki Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 3787710948 

Isis > me reste confidente et un peu tout excepté bff & love Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 4127347811 
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Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts   Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts - Page 5 Empty

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Isaac ✝ I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts

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